Which Game of Thrones business firm exercise you belong to?

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Have you ever wondered which firm you lot would be a part of in "A song of ice and fire"? Are yous an egocentric leader? A powerful warlord? A stubborn fanatic? Time to observe out!

This test will 'sort' you into the business firm that most exemplifies your innate qualities. Exist aware: The firm we are in isn't always the firm we wish to be a part of. However, there's e'er marrying into a family if you REALLY don't like your results.

Created past: Emalicious

  1. What is your historic period?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Daenerys Targaryen invades Westeros and conquers the continent. You...
  2. Tyrion Lannister comes to run into you in jail. You are to be executed the next solar day. He offers his assist, but you're not in understanding every bit to how he tin best assist yous. How should Tyrion assist yous?
  3. The white walkers are coming! The white walkers are coming! People await to You as their savior. Do you...
  4. Roses are red, violets are blueish, the almost important affair to me is _________.
  5. 5 of your vi children have been killed by Ramsey Bolton. You find yourself lone with him in a room. He isn't aware you lot are there as he is sleeping. Y'all have an easy escape; nobody volition find or catch you. What exercise you do to him?
  6. Which is your SECOND favorite Game of Thrones character? (out of these half-dozen, anyway.)
  7. Who should the faceless men impale?
  8. You lot are asked about your belief in the seven gods. When asked which ii you experience are the gods you most associate with, you lot would choose...
  9. Which is your spirit creature?
  10. What are the white walkers?
  11. Which is your favorite villain from "A song of ice and fire" (then far)
  12. You are going to participate in a trial by combat. Which weapon do you use to vanquish your foe?
  13. The dark is nighttime and full of...
  14. Which dragon is your favorite?
  15. Which elemental force practice you experience closest to?
  16. Which slightly less important house proper noun do you lot affiliate yourself with?
  17. Yous are going to be executed. The executioner agrees to let yous choose the method. Yous choose...
  18. Would you consider yourself more of a...
  19. Magic is...
  20. Which was your favorite Game of Thrones book so far?
  21. Which graphic symbol practise you lot think volition make it "All the style"?
  22. I will list a male person and a female, please select either of the two you find most attractive. (Ie you only have to think One of the two is bonny to pick it).
  23. If you call up this quiz ends well you haven't been paying...
  24. Which game of thrones proverb practise you virtually adopt?

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Quiz topic: Which Game of Thrones business firm practise I belong to?