How to Make Mid Grade Weed Green Again

Types of Weed: Determining Marijuana Quality

The world of weed is rich with unlike types and new strains options. To the beginner, it can exist a fiddling bit catchy to figure out what's chilly and what's schwag. You want the best of the best, merely y'all don't even know how to inquire for it (or y'all may not recognize information technology when you see it).

Does that sound like you? No problem. We're here to help. Today we are going to explore all of the various types of cannabis currently available for consumption to help yous understand the quality of weed that you smoke and how to select the best cannabis to smoke.

Want some high-quality weed? Read on to effigy out how to become it!

Bad Reggie Weed

You'll know that you are almost to get some bad weed when you hear someone mention Reggie.

What is Reggie Weed?

Reggie is referred to as clay weed that the discerning stoner will avoid at all costs. It is the sort of cannabis your impaired older blood brother's friend would effort and grow in their parent's lawn, and so subsequently try to sell to you. Some besides telephone call it brick weed, because information technology normally shipped across the U.South.-Mexican edge in hard bricks. (You wonder why it'due south so dry out and crumbly.)

Yous might smoke it equally a final resort, but only as a last resort. Reggie is generally going to be very dry, and full of seeds and stems.

You will also discover when you lot smoke it that information technology is even harsher on your lungs than any other type of weed yous may have smoked earlier.

Mid-grade Bud

There is definitely nothing wrong with some skillful mid-form weed. Mid-class weed is sure to cure whatever ails y'all. While it won't accept the same knockout effect of really primo kush, it will certainly help make sure you have a very nice day.

Top Shelf Chilly Weed

When we talk almost weed quality, in that location is no topping a prissy, chilly, beaster. Dank weed is really an advent of the medical and at present recreational era. This stuff has been engineered through science to be as dope as possible.

The danker the weed, the better.

Bad Quality Weed aka Reggie Weed

In the introduction, we briefly talked about the beginning type of weed, bad weed), only now let's really swoop into it, shall we? Leafly has a not bad costless piece on how to identify low-quality weed and stick to the top shelf.

Then as we discussed before, Reggie is going to exist very dry, and very seedy. It looks a lot similar grass clippings actually, and information technology's about as desirable to smoke.

You'll also observe that it lacks the fine, beautiful little hairs that characterize the appearance of top-shelf kush.

You'll hear people telephone call information technology dirt or brown weed because often enough it looks similar someone but pulled it out of their lawn.

Does that mean that you should not smoke it? You'll have to brand that decision for yourself. Personally, we don't like seeds in weed.

Other low-quality weed names include:Reggie, schwag, ditch weed, dirt, brick bud, shake, wack, bunk

Characteristics of Bad Low-Quality Weed


Feel is, of course, going to be relative to the individual but for what it is worth, Reggie weed definitely does not have a reputation for delivering a killer fizz.

This is definitely 1 of the more mild weeds on the marketplace but even that said the worst pot is still pot, correct?

If you are a seasoned stoner a little scrap of Reggie might not even really hit your system just if you are merely starting out yous should still observe a nice relaxing feeling setting in shortly after your smoke.


Reggie has the typical skunky smell that is commonly associated with cannabis, though many too detect a faint sweet component to the odor likewise.

Generally you will probably just notice that the smell is extremely strong. If you want to keep your business organization on the downwards-low smoking Reggie might not be the best route for yous to take.


Gustatory modality is another area that Reggie typically falls short. A taste will ultimately be dictated at least in part by the circumstances under which the bud was grown, but in general, Reggie tends to exist very harsh, very skunky, with earthy notes that you may or may not care for.

It's not necessarily the worst taste in the world just it does lack the nuanced flavor that some of the top shelf strains are able to boast.


This is the stereotypical stoner bud. The effects are quick but relatively mild and it'south more than known for promoting the munchies than information technology is for treating any serious ailments. It'south nearly closely related to the type of bud that was smoked in the 60s and 70s before real growers got into the game.

If you lot are looking for a nice way to relax at the finish of a tough mean solar day as you curl upwards with some Scooby Doo and Cheetos, Reggie might exist able to help facilitate that.

If you lot are looking for a serious medicinal strain, keep on looking.


The THC content in most Reggie ranges from around 12-15%. Better strains of weed generally boast a THC level of nigh 20%, with variations going as high as 35%.

That might not mean very much to you, merely to put it in context, it's a little flake like the difference betwixt a lite beer and elevation-shelf tequila.

Of course, not everyone wants a super high THC count. It really comes down to a thing of preference, and what you lot are trying to accomplish at a given moment or if yous pockets a little light and you're merely trying to get high off of cheap bud.

If all you want is to become mildly centered as you go almost your day, a fiddling bit of Reggie should still do the task nicely.

Mid-form Weed

Unlike Reggie, there really isn't any negative connotations associated with mid-form weed.

While this might non be the stuff the Snoop Dogg smokes, it'south definitely nevertheless plenty to keep us marijuana mortals more than satisfied.

Let's have a expect at some specs so y'all know what good weed looks similar when you see it.

Other mid-course weed names include: Regs, Mids, K-boondocks, Mid-shelf

Characteristics of Mid-form Quality Weed


A good mid-grade weed is going to be prissy and leafy with brilliant green parches and some darker light-green notes are thrown into the mix likewise.

You tin can besides look to see some hair on your mids. These luscious fibers are probably going to mostly be orange and red but of course, there are enough of variations as well. You'll discover a much richer more vibrant quality to this bud that merely is not present with Reggie.

Depending on the growing and curing process, the marijuana could be a mix from dry to mildly wet, merely there is a vibrancy to this stuff that you will find when it doesn't crumble up in your fingers the way that crummy clay weed does.

In short, this leafy weed volition have an impalpably vibrant quality to it that the cheap stuff doesn't take. If you're wondering "what does good weed look like?" the above components are pretty good indicators.


The buzz of a good mid is a little bit more than mellow and nuanced than that of Reggie.

Whereas Reggie is a inexpensive head blitz, a skilful mid will leave you lot gradually more relaxed and maybe simply a piddling flake hungry. Depending on the strain a skilful mid can also exist used to help yous catch some zzzzs.

Olfactory property

Like Reggie, a skillful mid strain is going to one-half equal parts skunky and perfumey notes. Even so, at that place is also going to exist a nice rich dank quality to it that will set it autonomously from the cheap stuff. In that location will definitely be a terpene profile that builds the olfactory property and overall taste.

Again, feel is going to depend on a adequately wide range of factors including the strain, your tolerance level, and what you decide to smoke it out of.

That said information technology'due south probably going to exist pretty mellow. A mid-strain should not exist extremely intoxicating though information technology will be a lot better for medicinal purposes than reggie.


Taste is going to depend mostly on what type of strain y'all are dealing with. Depending on the bud you might come across fruity notes, or even nice earthy tones. And of class, the ameliorate the bud the danker the taste!

THC Levels

The THC levels on a mid-strain are probably going to float somewhere effectually 17%-24%. While this is even so substantially more than an average reggie information technology's even so not nearly as strong equally weed tin get.

Then once more a lot of average stoners are non extremely interested in always getting every bit blasted equally they perhaps tin. You've got at least be productive plenty be able to beget more bud right? Bold you have a relatively healthy tolerance, a mid strain should be enough to get you lot feeling dainty without completely dismantling your day. You may find mid-course tin can still give a few laugh attacks and put you in couch lock style.

Top-Shelf: Dank Weed

Terminal merely certainly not least nosotros head on over to the top shelf marijuana.

This is the sort of bud yous've got to pay a little bit more than money to savor but equally far as nosotros are concerned its more worth the toll.

Let's have a look.

Other pinnacle-shelf weed names include:Dank,Kine bud or Kind Bud, Loud, Superlative-shelf, Primo, Kill, Fire, Flame, Top Colas

Characteristics of Top-Shelf Dank High-Quality Weed


Top-shelf weed is a true sight to behold. If you lot get a bag of dense gummy weed you tin can be pretty comfy and confident in the fact that you're getting the skilful stuff. With dank weed, you should expect to see thousands of trichomes sparkle in the light and many strains appear to exist covered in a blanket of white dust.

It's too going to be noticeably hairy and it will more often than not feature darker green, orange, red or purple tones though this is largely field of study to the nature of the strain.


Top-shelf, dank weed is going to exist pretty strong. Unless you have a pretty developed tolerance a big bag of gummy hairy dense weed is probably going to leave you subdued for a while. It'due south for that exact reason that this bud is fantabulous for pain relief and appetite restoration. Practise be surprised if you hands are sticking together after yous break it down and gyre information technology upward.

Aroma: Loud Weed

This is what yous call loud weed. When you become meridian-shelf yous meliorate expect a smell that is going fill the room. It will always depend on the strain but you're probably going to see a very skunky very dense smell with this caliber of kush, with fruity, sweet, or vanilla notes introduced to the mix depending in the strain.

Sense of taste

Strains are e'er going to taste different depending on the strain. Y'all might get spicy components, a lemony zest, fruit loops or just a purely earthy flavor. If you actually want to gustation the bud nosotros recommend good glassware or scroll a joint using unbleached hemp papers.


This dank weed is going to kick in hard and quick and it will probably leave you feeling prissy and goofy for a few hours. The potency of this type of bud is the exact reason a lot of people utilise it medicinally. If yous need to treat pain or mitigate the furnishings of anxiety or depression don't settle for less than the best.

THC Levels

THC levels can vary anywhere from 25-35%. Personally, the highest cured bud I've ever smoked is Alien OG which was tested at 33.7% in a medical dispensary in Southern California. With THC levels this high, this is for the highest medical purposes and besides takes us, recreational participants to another planet. Up up and away!

Weed Legalization is Boosting Weed Quality in the USA

Weed legalization is booming in the United states in exciting ways. What was in one case a piping dream (pun intended) is now quickly becoming a reality for people all beyond the country, and at that place is no indication that recreational weed is going to slow down anytime soon.

Of class, the advantage of legal pot is obvious. Marijuana across the land is about to get an upgrade. No more sketchy meetings in Taco Bell parking lots. No more mold rotten, Reggie weed.

Marijuana dispensaries offer cannabis enthusiasts the opportunity to enjoy the Teavana feel with they go to get their kush. With legalization, at that place will be more testing on marijuana buds including mold restrictions, authentic THC and CBD levels. You lot'll become to really know the bud you're smoking and medicating with.

Besides helping to increase tax revenue and subtract rates of mass incarceration, legal weed is just very convenient and has been long overdue. With a contempo flip in some of the assistants's views on state rights, nosotros are taking another stride in the adoption of legal marijuana. Fifty-fifty Congress is working towards making marijuana legal across the board.

In an increasing number of states, you tin at present leave your business firm and enter into an official and legal business establishment and have an informed conversation with a knowledgeable business organization proprietor that will be more than than happy to aid you choose the perfect spot for your state of affairs.

Non just that, you tin can even stay at a 420-friendly hotel and smoke up while yous relax on holiday.

Dreams do come truthful, right?

Here are the states that take currently embraced the legalization of weed.

Weed Legalization States:

Both Recreational & Medicinal

  1. Alaska
  2. Arizona
  3. California
  4. Colorado
  5. Illinois
  6. Maine
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Michigan
  9. Montana
  10. Nevada
  11. New Jersey
  12. New York
  13. Oregon
  14. Southward Dakota
  15. Vermont
  16. Virginia
  17. Washington
  18. Washington D.C.


  1. Alabama
  2. Arkansas
  3. Connecticut
  4. Delaware
  5. Florida
  6. Georgia (CBD Oil Only)
  7. Hawaii
  8. Indiana (CBD Oil Only)
  9. Iowa (CBD Oil But)
  10. Kentucky (CBD Oil Merely)
  11. Louisiana
  12. Maryland
  13. Minnesota
  14. Mississippi
  15. Missouri
  16. New Hampshire
  17. New Mexico
  18. North Dakota
  19. Ohio
  20. Oklahoma
  21. Pennsylvania
  22. Rhode Island
  23. Texas (CBD Oil But)
  24. Utah
  25. West Virginia
  26. Wisconsin (CBD Oil Only)
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